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🔥 In The Memory of My Love Nissan 🔥 In The Memory of My Love Nissan Who was born in the month of Nissan (April) The meaning of the name Nissan: The name of the fourth month of the Gregorian months. Its meanings include spring, blossom, and ears of wheat. === ===================== The month of Nissan "April" in the collective heritage of the Arab East The month of Nissan "April" is the fourth month in the Gregorian Roman solar calendar (GREGORIAN CALENDER): It is known in the Arab East as (Nissan), In the Arabian Gulf, Yemen, and the Nile Valley (April) And in the Arab Maghreb, it is called (April). The name of the month of Nissan The name of this month is derived from the Latin word (April) This month was named after the goddess who opens the gates of heaven to let the sun in after its disappearance in the winter. The term (Nissan - Nisanu) was taken from the eastern "Aramaic - Syriac" calendar The Syriac word "Nissan" in Arabic means It means ...